Xukuru language

Xukuru (Xucuru, Shukurú, Ichikile) is an extinct and poorly attested language of Brazil. It is also known as Kirirí, Kirirí-Xokó, Ichikile. It is known only from a few word lists and a sketch by Geraldo Lapenda (1962). It was originally spoken in the Serra de São José and on the Meio River, Capibaribe River and Taperoa River in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba. Loukotka (1968) reports the most recent locations as the Serra Ararobá and Cimbres.

Xukuru language

Xukuru (Xucuru, Shukurú, Ichikile) is an extinct and poorly attested language of Brazil. It is also known as Kirirí, Kirirí-Xokó, Ichikile. It is known only from a few word lists and a sketch by Geraldo Lapenda (1962). It was originally spoken in the Serra de São José and on the Meio River, Capibaribe River and Taperoa River in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba. Loukotka (1968) reports the most recent locations as the Serra Ararobá and Cimbres.