Yüksekova Gang

The Yüksekova Gang was an illegal organization in the Yüksekova district of Hakkari Province accused of killing 16 people, with apparent links to the Turkish Gendarmerie's JITEM unit and possible links to the Ergenekon organization. According to Today's Zaman it was "headed by three high-ranking military personnel and various politicians [and] smuggled drugs and weapons."

Yüksekova Gang

The Yüksekova Gang was an illegal organization in the Yüksekova district of Hakkari Province accused of killing 16 people, with apparent links to the Turkish Gendarmerie's JITEM unit and possible links to the Ergenekon organization. According to Today's Zaman it was "headed by three high-ranking military personnel and various politicians [and] smuggled drugs and weapons."