
“Ya Ali” (Arabic: یاعلی‎ "O Ali") is an Arabic phrase used by Shia Muslims to invoke the memory or intervention of Ali Ibn Abu Talib. It is a form of tawassul. Shias don't worship Ali, they are calling upon Allah through Ali, they are saying the prayer through Ali to Allah, which will make it a higher chance of getting your prayer accepted because Ali is more beloved to Allah than one average Muslim. Wahhabis conclude that because ya Ali is literally translated as calling upon Ali, not Allah, for help, and therefore forbidden in accordance with the Wahhabi understanding of Islam. Shias reject that reasoning, and continue to stand for that they don't worship Ali, saying something like Ya Ali or Ya Muhammad is allowed according to the Qur'an (5:35, 17:57), In short, they worship only Allah (


“Ya Ali” (Arabic: یاعلی‎ "O Ali") is an Arabic phrase used by Shia Muslims to invoke the memory or intervention of Ali Ibn Abu Talib. It is a form of tawassul. Shias don't worship Ali, they are calling upon Allah through Ali, they are saying the prayer through Ali to Allah, which will make it a higher chance of getting your prayer accepted because Ali is more beloved to Allah than one average Muslim. Wahhabis conclude that because ya Ali is literally translated as calling upon Ali, not Allah, for help, and therefore forbidden in accordance with the Wahhabi understanding of Islam. Shias reject that reasoning, and continue to stand for that they don't worship Ali, saying something like Ya Ali or Ya Muhammad is allowed according to the Qur'an (5:35, 17:57), In short, they worship only Allah (