Yadgar Muhammad Mirza

Yadgar Muhammad Mirza (c.1452 – 1470) was the Timurid ruler of Herat in opposition to Sultan Husayn Mirza Bayqarah for 6 weeks of 1470. Yadgar Muhammad Mirza was born to Sultan Muhammad bin Baysonqor, who was a grandson of Shah Rukh. It was his family ties that caused Uzun Hasan, Sultan of the Ak Koyunlu confederation, to hand over to him Abu Sa'id Mirza, whom he had defeated and captured at the Battle of Qarabagh in 1469. Abu Sa'id, who had previously ordered the execution of Gawhar Shad, Yadigar Muhammad Mirza's great-grandmother, was subsequently killed.

Yadgar Muhammad Mirza

Yadgar Muhammad Mirza (c.1452 – 1470) was the Timurid ruler of Herat in opposition to Sultan Husayn Mirza Bayqarah for 6 weeks of 1470. Yadgar Muhammad Mirza was born to Sultan Muhammad bin Baysonqor, who was a grandson of Shah Rukh. It was his family ties that caused Uzun Hasan, Sultan of the Ak Koyunlu confederation, to hand over to him Abu Sa'id Mirza, whom he had defeated and captured at the Battle of Qarabagh in 1469. Abu Sa'id, who had previously ordered the execution of Gawhar Shad, Yadigar Muhammad Mirza's great-grandmother, was subsequently killed.