Yahoo! News Underground

Yahoo! News Underground was a regular Yahoo! News feature series that explored fringe culture in America with reporting brought to life with original songs and music. It was a site dedicated "to subcultures, pastimes, passionate pursuits and pursuers of passion," according to the show's creator and host, Brad Miskell. The series included produced video, photo and written reportage, and made in-roads in the social media space with user generated content and interaction. The site and its content was part of Yahoo! News' move into original content that, at the time, included programming such as Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone and People of the Web.

Yahoo! News Underground

Yahoo! News Underground was a regular Yahoo! News feature series that explored fringe culture in America with reporting brought to life with original songs and music. It was a site dedicated "to subcultures, pastimes, passionate pursuits and pursuers of passion," according to the show's creator and host, Brad Miskell. The series included produced video, photo and written reportage, and made in-roads in the social media space with user generated content and interaction. The site and its content was part of Yahoo! News' move into original content that, at the time, included programming such as Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone and People of the Web.