Yarner Wood & Trendlebere Down

Yarner Wood & Trendlebere Down in Dartmoor, Devon, England is a woodland managed by Natural England. The woodland is part of the East Dartmoor Woods and Heaths National Nature Reserve. The entire area is 777 acres (3.14 km2) while Yarner Wood is 365 acres (1.48 km2). Since 1985 the site has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Many types of tree grow in Yarner Wood including oak, birch, scots pine, larch and beech. It is home to buzzards, sparrow hawks, nightjars and pied flycatchers.

Yarner Wood & Trendlebere Down

Yarner Wood & Trendlebere Down in Dartmoor, Devon, England is a woodland managed by Natural England. The woodland is part of the East Dartmoor Woods and Heaths National Nature Reserve. The entire area is 777 acres (3.14 km2) while Yarner Wood is 365 acres (1.48 km2). Since 1985 the site has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Many types of tree grow in Yarner Wood including oak, birch, scots pine, larch and beech. It is home to buzzards, sparrow hawks, nightjars and pied flycatchers.