Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi

Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi (Arabic: يزيد بن حاتم المهلبي‎) (died March 13, 787) was a member of the Muhallabid family who served as the governor of Adharbayjan, Egypt (762–769) and Ifriqiya (771–787) for the Abbasid Caliphate. Yazid spent the remainder of his life as governor of Ifriqiya. In contrast to his predecessors, his tenure saw a period of peace and stability for the province; a Kharijite uprising in 773 and a rebellion by the Berbers in the Zab in 781 were both suppressed. During his administration he organized the markets of al-Qayrawan and restored the city mosque.

Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi

Yazid ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi (Arabic: يزيد بن حاتم المهلبي‎) (died March 13, 787) was a member of the Muhallabid family who served as the governor of Adharbayjan, Egypt (762–769) and Ifriqiya (771–787) for the Abbasid Caliphate. Yazid spent the remainder of his life as governor of Ifriqiya. In contrast to his predecessors, his tenure saw a period of peace and stability for the province; a Kharijite uprising in 773 and a rebellion by the Berbers in the Zab in 781 were both suppressed. During his administration he organized the markets of al-Qayrawan and restored the city mosque.