Yeaveley Preceptory

Yeaveley Preceptory, also known as Stydd Preceptory, was a preceptory of the Knights Hospitaller, near to the village of Yeaveley, in Derbyshire, England. It was located around a mile west of the village, on the site of the current Stydd Hall.The Preceptory has been variously known as "Yeaveley Preceptory", "Yeaveley Bailiwick", "Yeaveley and Barrow Preceptory" and "Stydd Preceptory". Preceptories like this were founded in order to raise revenues to fund the Hospitallers' 12th- and 13th-century crusades to Jerusalem.

Yeaveley Preceptory

Yeaveley Preceptory, also known as Stydd Preceptory, was a preceptory of the Knights Hospitaller, near to the village of Yeaveley, in Derbyshire, England. It was located around a mile west of the village, on the site of the current Stydd Hall.The Preceptory has been variously known as "Yeaveley Preceptory", "Yeaveley Bailiwick", "Yeaveley and Barrow Preceptory" and "Stydd Preceptory". Preceptories like this were founded in order to raise revenues to fund the Hospitallers' 12th- and 13th-century crusades to Jerusalem.