Yellow rice

Yellow rice is a traditional yellow-colored rice dish in Spanish, West Asian, Morocco,ecuadoriana Peruvian, Caribbean, Portuguese, Filipino, Afghan, Indian, Sri Lankan, South African and Indonesian cuisines. It is made using white rice made yellow with annatto, saffron or turmeric, ingredients used to give the rice its yellow color. South African yellow rice, with its origins in Cape Malay cuisine, is traditionally made with raisins, sugar, and cinnamon, making a very sweet rice dish served as an accompaniment to savoury dishes and curries.

Yellow rice

Yellow rice is a traditional yellow-colored rice dish in Spanish, West Asian, Morocco,ecuadoriana Peruvian, Caribbean, Portuguese, Filipino, Afghan, Indian, Sri Lankan, South African and Indonesian cuisines. It is made using white rice made yellow with annatto, saffron or turmeric, ingredients used to give the rice its yellow color. South African yellow rice, with its origins in Cape Malay cuisine, is traditionally made with raisins, sugar, and cinnamon, making a very sweet rice dish served as an accompaniment to savoury dishes and curries.