Yip Kue Sum

Yip Kue Sum (1884 - 1967) was a Chinese-born New Zealand pioneer in viticulture. Yip Kue Sum was born in China in 1884. She married Joe Ah Chan, who emigrated to New Zealand in around 1905, but remained in China while he established himself in New Zealand. Kue Sum went to a private tutor in her village to study English, as at the time immigrants were required to pass a literacy test of 100 English words in order to enter New Zealand. She was able to pass the test and moved to New Zealand in 1920.

Yip Kue Sum

Yip Kue Sum (1884 - 1967) was a Chinese-born New Zealand pioneer in viticulture. Yip Kue Sum was born in China in 1884. She married Joe Ah Chan, who emigrated to New Zealand in around 1905, but remained in China while he established himself in New Zealand. Kue Sum went to a private tutor in her village to study English, as at the time immigrants were required to pass a literacy test of 100 English words in order to enter New Zealand. She was able to pass the test and moved to New Zealand in 1920.