Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss

Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss (born 1926) is the Chief Rabbi, or Gaavad (Gaon Av Beis Din), of Jerusalem for the Edah HaChareidis. He was appointed to this post in 2004, after having served as a dayan of the Machzike Hadass community of Antwerp, Belgium. Rabbi Weiss is a British national. According to his late brother, he was born in Slovakia to Salomon (Shlomo) Weiss, a timber merchant. He attended the local secular school in the mornings, and studied with a private melamed in the afternoons. When he accepted his new role as Gaavad, he also adopted the traditional Jerusalem mode of dress.

Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss

Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss (born 1926) is the Chief Rabbi, or Gaavad (Gaon Av Beis Din), of Jerusalem for the Edah HaChareidis. He was appointed to this post in 2004, after having served as a dayan of the Machzike Hadass community of Antwerp, Belgium. Rabbi Weiss is a British national. According to his late brother, he was born in Slovakia to Salomon (Shlomo) Weiss, a timber merchant. He attended the local secular school in the mornings, and studied with a private melamed in the afternoons. When he accepted his new role as Gaavad, he also adopted the traditional Jerusalem mode of dress.