
Zabłocki (feminine: Zabłocka, plural: Zabłoccy) is the name of a Polish aristocratic family of ancient lineage (Jastrzębiec) and , who assumed the name of Zabłocki after acquisition of in Wielkopolska in the year 1500. The ending "-cki" represents the English "of"; Zabłocki = of Zabłocie; or German "von Zabłocie".


Zabłocki (feminine: Zabłocka, plural: Zabłoccy) is the name of a Polish aristocratic family of ancient lineage (Jastrzębiec) and , who assumed the name of Zabłocki after acquisition of in Wielkopolska in the year 1500. The ending "-cki" represents the English "of"; Zabłocki = of Zabłocie; or German "von Zabłocie".