Zakaria ibn Idris Ash'ari Qomi

Zakaria ibn Idris Ash'ari Qomi or Zakaria ibn Idris ibn Abd-Allah al-Ash'ari al-Qomi (Persian: زکریا بن ادریس اشعری قمی‎, Arabic: زکریا بن إدریس بن عبدالله الأشعري القمي‎), known as Abu Jarir (Persian: ابو جریر‎), was a Shia Muhaddith (scholar of hadith) and one of the companions of Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad aṣ-Ṣādiq (the sixth Shiite leader), Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim (the seventh Shiite leader), and Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (the eighth Shiite leader). A group of Shiite elders have considered him one of the influential people in the growth of Islam. Shaykh Tusi, while counting about 3300 narrators and companions of Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad aṣ-Ṣādiq, has mentioned Zakaria al-Ash'ari.

Zakaria ibn Idris Ash'ari Qomi

Zakaria ibn Idris Ash'ari Qomi or Zakaria ibn Idris ibn Abd-Allah al-Ash'ari al-Qomi (Persian: زکریا بن ادریس اشعری قمی‎, Arabic: زکریا بن إدریس بن عبدالله الأشعري القمي‎), known as Abu Jarir (Persian: ابو جریر‎), was a Shia Muhaddith (scholar of hadith) and one of the companions of Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad aṣ-Ṣādiq (the sixth Shiite leader), Musa ibn Ja'far al-Kadhim (the seventh Shiite leader), and Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (the eighth Shiite leader). A group of Shiite elders have considered him one of the influential people in the growth of Islam. Shaykh Tusi, while counting about 3300 narrators and companions of Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad aṣ-Ṣādiq, has mentioned Zakaria al-Ash'ari.