Zeba Indian United Methodist Church

The Zeba Indian United Methodist Church is a religious building located at 227 Front Street (between Whirl-I-Gig and Peter Marksman Roads) in Zeba, Michigan, northeast of L'Anse. It marks the site of the Kewawenon Mission, built in 1832, which was the birthplace of Indian Methodism in the western Upper Peninsula, and predated Frederic Baraga's mission at Assinins by 11 years. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980 and designated a Michigan State Historic Site in 1979.

Zeba Indian United Methodist Church

The Zeba Indian United Methodist Church is a religious building located at 227 Front Street (between Whirl-I-Gig and Peter Marksman Roads) in Zeba, Michigan, northeast of L'Anse. It marks the site of the Kewawenon Mission, built in 1832, which was the birthplace of Indian Methodism in the western Upper Peninsula, and predated Frederic Baraga's mission at Assinins by 11 years. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980 and designated a Michigan State Historic Site in 1979.