
Zemlyane (Russian: Земляне, lit. 'Earthlings') is a Soviet and later Russian rock band, formed in Leningrad in 1978. The band achieved great popularity in the early 1980s and remains active. A key artist in the VIA (vocal-instrumental ensemble) wave of Soviet music, Zemlyane was one of the first officially state-recognized bands in the USSR to feature elements of rock music. Zemlyane mixed hard rock music with synthpop. Most of their lyrics deal with risk, courage, and masculinity. They sang about cosmonauts, stunts, pilots, and sailors.


Zemlyane (Russian: Земляне, lit. 'Earthlings') is a Soviet and later Russian rock band, formed in Leningrad in 1978. The band achieved great popularity in the early 1980s and remains active. A key artist in the VIA (vocal-instrumental ensemble) wave of Soviet music, Zemlyane was one of the first officially state-recognized bands in the USSR to feature elements of rock music. Zemlyane mixed hard rock music with synthpop. Most of their lyrics deal with risk, courage, and masculinity. They sang about cosmonauts, stunts, pilots, and sailors.