Zeta Crateris

Zeta Crateris (ζ Crateris) is a probable binary star system in the southern constellation of Crater. Zeta Crateris appears to be about half-way between Epsilon Corvi to the southeast and Beta Crateris to the northwest, and marks the lower left corner of the rim of the bowl. Eta Crateris lies somewhat less than half of the way from Zeta Crateris to Gamma Corvi, the bright star above, (north) of Epsilon Corvi.

Zeta Crateris

Zeta Crateris (ζ Crateris) is a probable binary star system in the southern constellation of Crater. Zeta Crateris appears to be about half-way between Epsilon Corvi to the southeast and Beta Crateris to the northwest, and marks the lower left corner of the rim of the bowl. Eta Crateris lies somewhat less than half of the way from Zeta Crateris to Gamma Corvi, the bright star above, (north) of Epsilon Corvi.