
Zochrot (Hebrew: זוכרות‎; "Remembering"; Arabic: ذاكرات‎; "Memories") is an Israeli nonprofit organization founded in 2002. Based in Tel Aviv, its aim is to promote awareness of the Palestinian Nakba ("Catastrophe"), including the 1948 Palestinian exodus. The group's director is Eitan Bronstein. Its slogan is "To commemorate, witness, acknowledge, and repair".


Zochrot (Hebrew: זוכרות‎; "Remembering"; Arabic: ذاكرات‎; "Memories") is an Israeli nonprofit organization founded in 2002. Based in Tel Aviv, its aim is to promote awareness of the Palestinian Nakba ("Catastrophe"), including the 1948 Palestinian exodus. The group's director is Eitan Bronstein. Its slogan is "To commemorate, witness, acknowledge, and repair".