
Zui-Ki-Tei (瑞暉 亭, "The House of the Promising Light/Home of the Auspicious Light") is a free standing Japanese tea ceremony house (from now on, chashitsu) that can be found in the park outside of the Museum of Ethnography (Etnografiska museet) in Stockholm, Sweden. It was built in Japan before being shipped to Sweden and erected in the park in 1990. It is a public building, officially closed during winter but it is free to visit the park and see the house at any time of the year.


Zui-Ki-Tei (瑞暉 亭, "The House of the Promising Light/Home of the Auspicious Light") is a free standing Japanese tea ceremony house (from now on, chashitsu) that can be found in the park outside of the Museum of Ethnography (Etnografiska museet) in Stockholm, Sweden. It was built in Japan before being shipped to Sweden and erected in the park in 1990. It is a public building, officially closed during winter but it is free to visit the park and see the house at any time of the year.