Zygaena laeta

Zygaena laeta, the bloodword burnet, is a moth of the family Zygaenidae. It is found in Central and South-Eastern Europe.In Z. laeta the collar and patagia as well as the apical half (or more) of the abdomen are red: also the wings are testaceous red except some black spots on the forewing. Larva of light bluish green, with while dorsal and lateral lines, along which there are blackdots. Pupa yellow, anteriorly dark brown, in a whitish cocoon. The wingspan is 26–34 mm.

Zygaena laeta

Zygaena laeta, the bloodword burnet, is a moth of the family Zygaenidae. It is found in Central and South-Eastern Europe.In Z. laeta the collar and patagia as well as the apical half (or more) of the abdomen are red: also the wings are testaceous red except some black spots on the forewing. Larva of light bluish green, with while dorsal and lateral lines, along which there are blackdots. Pupa yellow, anteriorly dark brown, in a whitish cocoon. The wingspan is 26–34 mm.