Chemotherapy/Cell Infusion). 18. Serum ALT less than three times the upper limit of normal. (Turnstile II - Chemotherapy/Cell Infusion- Inclusion Criteria). 19. Serum creatinine less than or equal to 1.6 mg/dl. (Turnstile II [clinicaltrials_resource:00005bb5a8a13d989221656efc37828d]

Chemotherapy/Cell Infusion). 18. Serum ALT less than three times the upper limit of normal. (Turnstile II - Chemotherapy/Cell Infusion- Inclusion Criteria). 19. Serum creatinine less than or equal to 1.6 mg/dl. (Turnstile II [clinicaltrials_resource:00005bb5a8a13d989221656efc37828d]