Scanning laser polarimetry determined retinal nerve fibre layer thickness Baseline, 6 and 12 months [clinicaltrials_resource:017fc28765eb2853e5e285fb2495fe11]

The primary outcome will be difference in retinal nerve fibre thickness at 6 months between affected eye and non-affected fellow eye at baseline between the amiloride and placebo group. An additional measure will be made at 12 months

Scanning laser polarimetry determined retinal nerve fibre layer thickness Baseline, 6 and 12 months [clinicaltrials_resource:017fc28765eb2853e5e285fb2495fe11]

The primary outcome will be difference in retinal nerve fibre thickness at 6 months between affected eye and non-affected fellow eye at baseline between the amiloride and placebo group. An additional measure will be made at 12 months