Assessment of Conjunctival Hyperemia in Subjects That Are High Myopes (Have a High Degree of Nearsightedness) after 6 hours of wear [clinicaltrials_resource:20516b4e76e8bd1488d04c98ee90bd87]

Conjunctival hyperemia measures the redness across the white of the eye. The investigator used a grading scale of 0=none, 1=slight, 2=moderate, 3=severe.

Assessment of Conjunctival Hyperemia in Subjects That Are High Myopes (Have a High Degree of Nearsightedness) after 6 hours of wear [clinicaltrials_resource:20516b4e76e8bd1488d04c98ee90bd87]

Conjunctival hyperemia measures the redness across the white of the eye. The investigator used a grading scale of 0=none, 1=slight, 2=moderate, 3=severe.