Number of Subjects Who Achieved Complete Remission of Their Disease Day 30 [clinicaltrials_resource:26dc3b1841006f4f9bbb99de455ee89b]

Complete Remission (CR): A CR requires that the following be recorded concurrently: an absolute neutrophil count (segs and bands) > 1000/μL, no circulating blasts, platelets > 100,000/μL; adequate bone marrow cellularity with trilineage hematopoiesis, and < 5% marrow leukemia blast cells. All previous extramedullary manifestations of disease must be absent. If patients continue on with treatment, there can be no evidence of recurrence of ALL for at least 4 weeks.

Number of Subjects Who Achieved Complete Remission of Their Disease Day 30 [clinicaltrials_resource:26dc3b1841006f4f9bbb99de455ee89b]

Complete Remission (CR): A CR requires that the following be recorded concurrently: an absolute neutrophil count (segs and bands) > 1000/μL, no circulating blasts, platelets > 100,000/μL; adequate bone marrow cellularity with trilineage hematopoiesis, and < 5% marrow leukemia blast cells. All previous extramedullary manifestations of disease must be absent. If patients continue on with treatment, there can be no evidence of recurrence of ALL for at least 4 weeks.