You must have been treated with pegylated interferon (brand names are Pegasys® or Peg-Intron®) and ribavirin (brand names Rebetol® or Copegus®), for at least 12 weeks. However, you cannot have received more than one course of this combination therapy. [clinicaltrials_resource:4479287d45b16a4d65556d32f3ac9fdd]

You must have been treated with pegylated interferon (brand names are Pegasys® or Peg-Intron®) and ribavirin (brand names Rebetol® or Copegus®), for at least 12 weeks. However, you cannot have received more than one course of this combination therapy. [clinicaltrials_resource:4479287d45b16a4d65556d32f3ac9fdd]