1. Adult patients willing and able to comply with the protocol who are not planning changes in diet, topical or systemic drugs during the course of study. 2. DTS all the patients will be diagnosed for mild to moderate evaporative dry eye as defined by following criteria that will be given by Outcome measurements: 2.1. Break up time. 2.2. Lissamine green staining. 2.3. OSDI and Patient Symptomatology Questionnaire. 3. The patients, whose are going to be submitted for refractive surgery. [clinicaltrials_resource:48fbe53f5753f7073ad156ab50904721]

1. Adult patients willing and able to comply with the protocol who are not planning changes in diet, topical or systemic drugs during the course of study. 2. DTS all the patients will be diagnosed for mild to moderate evaporative dry eye as defined by following criteria that will be given by Outcome measurements: 2.1. Break up time. 2.2. Lissamine green staining. 2.3. OSDI and Patient Symptomatology Questionnaire. 3. The patients, whose are going to be submitted for refractive surgery. [clinicaltrials_resource:48fbe53f5753f7073ad156ab50904721]