Median Number of Months of Progression-free Survival (PFS) From randomization to evidence of disease progression/death or date of last tumor assessment (up to 26 months). [clinicaltrials_resource:517577f3f0577ead12433ba2d925d706]

Interval between randomization date & earliest date of disease progression/death due to any cause, assessed by the Independent Radiology Review Committee (IRRC) using modified World Health Organization (WHO) criteria to define progressive disease (PD): >=25% increase in sum of products of diameters (SOPD) of lesions compared with smallest SOPD recorded for study period or progression of any non-index lesion/appearance of new lesion. If no progression/death, date of last tumor assessment used. For participants who had no on-study tumor assessments & were still alive, date of randomization used.

Median Number of Months of Progression-free Survival (PFS) From randomization to evidence of disease progression/death or date of last tumor assessment (up to 26 months). [clinicaltrials_resource:517577f3f0577ead12433ba2d925d706]

Interval between randomization date & earliest date of disease progression/death due to any cause, assessed by the Independent Radiology Review Committee (IRRC) using modified World Health Organization (WHO) criteria to define progressive disease (PD): >=25% increase in sum of products of diameters (SOPD) of lesions compared with smallest SOPD recorded for study period or progression of any non-index lesion/appearance of new lesion. If no progression/death, date of last tumor assessment used. For participants who had no on-study tumor assessments & were still alive, date of randomization used.