Percentage of days without asthma 24 weeks [clinicaltrials_resource:55703f4e79f025de1a3e9a5afb8fa33c]

A day without asthma is defined as a day with all of the following: no daytime symptoms, no nighttime cough, no β-agonist use, and no asthma attack (defined as a visit to a doctor, urgent care clinic, emergency room, or hospital for asthma [other than a scheduled visit to a doctor], or treatment with systemic corticosteroid during the previous 24 hours).

Percentage of days without asthma 24 weeks [clinicaltrials_resource:55703f4e79f025de1a3e9a5afb8fa33c]

A day without asthma is defined as a day with all of the following: no daytime symptoms, no nighttime cough, no β-agonist use, and no asthma attack (defined as a visit to a doctor, urgent care clinic, emergency room, or hospital for asthma [other than a scheduled visit to a doctor], or treatment with systemic corticosteroid during the previous 24 hours).