Incidence of Invasive fungal infections 30th day after the end of first line chemotherapy [clinicaltrials_resource:7576f3cb448cc1fff0f93535fbc2ead3]

To identify possible fungal infections sources for the period preceding the diagnosis of leukemia, in particular those related to normal activities of daily life (e.g. occupation, location and type of residence, consume of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs and others).

Incidence of Invasive fungal infections 30th day after the end of first line chemotherapy [clinicaltrials_resource:7576f3cb448cc1fff0f93535fbc2ead3]

To identify possible fungal infections sources for the period preceding the diagnosis of leukemia, in particular those related to normal activities of daily life (e.g. occupation, location and type of residence, consume of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs and others).