Change in PDQ-39 total score From baseline every 3 months up to 9 months [clinicaltrials_resource:83e114bd9673611046d047f36f370029]

Change in PDQ-39 total score from base value (i.e. mean value of screening and baseline visit) until end of each treatment (Vim/DRT-DBS, STN-DBS, combined STN+Vim/DRT-DBS) 3 months after start of each treatment up to 9 months

Change in PDQ-39 total score From baseline every 3 months up to 9 months [clinicaltrials_resource:83e114bd9673611046d047f36f370029]

Change in PDQ-39 total score from base value (i.e. mean value of screening and baseline visit) until end of each treatment (Vim/DRT-DBS, STN-DBS, combined STN+Vim/DRT-DBS) 3 months after start of each treatment up to 9 months