The proportion of eyes showing an improvement of visual acuity by 10 letters on a LogMAR chart compared with the pre-injection level 24 months after treatment 24 month [clinicaltrials_resource:9159b2cc43f766dac3b6046c3b491ea4]

At 24 months, improvement of ≥10 LogMAR letters was seen in 15/42 (36%) eyes treated with IVTA plus laser compared with 7/42 (17%) eyes treated with laser only (p=0.047, odds ratio 2.79, 95% CI, 1.01, 7.67).

The proportion of eyes showing an improvement of visual acuity by 10 letters on a LogMAR chart compared with the pre-injection level 24 months after treatment 24 month [clinicaltrials_resource:9159b2cc43f766dac3b6046c3b491ea4]

At 24 months, improvement of ≥10 LogMAR letters was seen in 15/42 (36%) eyes treated with IVTA plus laser compared with 7/42 (17%) eyes treated with laser only (p=0.047, odds ratio 2.79, 95% CI, 1.01, 7.67).