Overall survival 3 years [clinicaltrials_resource:9cb0653c33f9467e0044d4ef965cd125]

Patients receive 1 of 3 preoperative chemoradiotherapy treatment regimens, determined by the treating physician. Within 21-56 days after the completion of chemoradiotherapy, patients undergo surgical resection. Patients receive irinotecan IV over 90 minutes and leucovorin calcium IV over 2 hours followed immediately by fluorourcil IV bolus on day 1. Treatment continues in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Overall survival 3 years [clinicaltrials_resource:9cb0653c33f9467e0044d4ef965cd125]

Patients receive 1 of 3 preoperative chemoradiotherapy treatment regimens, determined by the treating physician. Within 21-56 days after the completion of chemoradiotherapy, patients undergo surgical resection. Patients receive irinotecan IV over 90 minutes and leucovorin calcium IV over 2 hours followed immediately by fluorourcil IV bolus on day 1. Treatment continues in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.