Time to Last Unformed Stool (TTLUS) 48 hours [clinicaltrials_resource:9fc547fe55e44756665be92860e6cd95]

The TTLUS is defined as the number of hours from the time the participant first took the trial drug to the last instance of unformed stool, after which the participant only reported formed stool or no stool at all. If no unformed stool was observed at any time during the trial, TTLUS shall be recorded as 0. For participants who withdraw from the trial due to reasons other than complete resolution of the symptoms of diarrhea, TTLUS is defined as the number of hours from the start of the trial to the time of withdrawal.

Time to Last Unformed Stool (TTLUS) 48 hours [clinicaltrials_resource:9fc547fe55e44756665be92860e6cd95]

The TTLUS is defined as the number of hours from the time the participant first took the trial drug to the last instance of unformed stool, after which the participant only reported formed stool or no stool at all. If no unformed stool was observed at any time during the trial, TTLUS shall be recorded as 0. For participants who withdraw from the trial due to reasons other than complete resolution of the symptoms of diarrhea, TTLUS is defined as the number of hours from the start of the trial to the time of withdrawal.