Vaccinations Only [clinicaltrials_resource:NCT00536120/group/O2]

Participants received only vaccinations with neoantigen and recall antigen (KLH and Td, according to manufacturer's prescribing information) at Month 0 for both KLH and Td, and 14 and 28 days later for KLH. They did not receive any treatment for their MS and remained in the study through Month 2.

Vaccinations Only [clinicaltrials_resource:NCT00536120/group/O2]

Participants received only vaccinations with neoantigen and recall antigen (KLH and Td, according to manufacturer's prescribing information) at Month 0 for both KLH and Td, and 14 and 28 days later for KLH. They did not receive any treatment for their MS and remained in the study through Month 2.