The patient, if a main, is surgically sterile, or if capable of producing offspring, is currently using an approved method of birth control, and agrees to continued use of this method for the duration of the study (and for 60 days after taking the last dose of CEP-701 because of the possible effects on spermatogenesis). [clinicaltrials_resource:abdab849e70afb5a55066027a3f7256d]

The patient, if a main, is surgically sterile, or if capable of producing offspring, is currently using an approved method of birth control, and agrees to continued use of this method for the duration of the study (and for 60 days after taking the last dose of CEP-701 because of the possible effects on spermatogenesis). [clinicaltrials_resource:abdab849e70afb5a55066027a3f7256d]