Smoker Identifying Cards 3 months post-intervention [clinicaltrials_resource:b97cd386ccbd7a2f2efe51f9c74658fa]

The intervention that will be tested is an improved smoking cessation management module in an existing chronic disease management system, P-PROMPT CDMS. This module includes the following components: a) the Patient Care Status and Update Form, b) the smoking registry and c) patient prompts.

Smoker Identifying Cards 3 months post-intervention [clinicaltrials_resource:b97cd386ccbd7a2f2efe51f9c74658fa]

The intervention that will be tested is an improved smoking cessation management module in an existing chronic disease management system, P-PROMPT CDMS. This module includes the following components: a) the Patient Care Status and Update Form, b) the smoking registry and c) patient prompts.