Difference in total number of days alive and outside the hospital between the NT-proBNP guided and the clinical guided group. minimum of one year [clinicaltrials_resource:c7b8480c014619fe3149e2ec710b54c0]

In this group, management was guided by an individually set NT-proBNP, defined by the lowest level at discharge or 2 weeks thereafter. If NT-proBNP levels were elevated above the individually set NT-proBNP interventions were performed according to the ESC heart failure guidelines.

Difference in total number of days alive and outside the hospital between the NT-proBNP guided and the clinical guided group. minimum of one year [clinicaltrials_resource:c7b8480c014619fe3149e2ec710b54c0]

In this group, management was guided by an individually set NT-proBNP, defined by the lowest level at discharge or 2 weeks thereafter. If NT-proBNP levels were elevated above the individually set NT-proBNP interventions were performed according to the ESC heart failure guidelines.