Response Rate - the proportion of subjects with objective response based on RECIST criteria A minimum of 13 weeks (time to first follow-up CT) [clinicaltrials_resource:f0bdc49923e1de03ccfe11e74b83289a]

1.2mg in combination with adjuvant GPI-0100 administered subcutaneously (beneath the skin) weekly for 4 consecutive weeks during the first cycle of treatment, weekly for 2 consecutive weeks during the second cycle and once for each additional cycle.

Response Rate - the proportion of subjects with objective response based on RECIST criteria A minimum of 13 weeks (time to first follow-up CT) [clinicaltrials_resource:f0bdc49923e1de03ccfe11e74b83289a]

1.2mg in combination with adjuvant GPI-0100 administered subcutaneously (beneath the skin) weekly for 4 consecutive weeks during the first cycle of treatment, weekly for 2 consecutive weeks during the second cycle and once for each additional cycle.