used object of type

This property associates an instance of E7 Activity to an instance of E55 Type, which classifies an instance of E70 Thing used in an instance of E7 Activity, when the specific instance is either unknown or not of interest, such as use of "a hammer". This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E7 Activity through P16 used specific object, E70 Thing, P2 has type, to E55 Type

used object of type

This property associates an instance of E7 Activity to an instance of E55 Type, which classifies an instance of E70 Thing used in an instance of E7 Activity, when the specific instance is either unknown or not of interest, such as use of "a hammer". This property is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E7 Activity through P16 used specific object, E70 Thing, P2 has type, to E55 Type