"Crocodile" Dundee

"Crocodile" Dundee is a 1986 Australian-American comedy film set in the Australian Outback and in New York City. It stars Paul Hogan as the weathered Mick Dundee. Hogan's future wife Linda Kozlowski portrayed Sue Charlton. The first scenes were filmed in the small town of McKinlay in Queensland. The hotel has beautiful original warped and polished hardwood floors. There are no crocodiles in the area as it's in the outback with no major water source.

"Crocodile" Dundee

"Crocodile" Dundee is a 1986 Australian-American comedy film set in the Australian Outback and in New York City. It stars Paul Hogan as the weathered Mick Dundee. Hogan's future wife Linda Kozlowski portrayed Sue Charlton. The first scenes were filmed in the small town of McKinlay in Queensland. The hotel has beautiful original warped and polished hardwood floors. There are no crocodiles in the area as it's in the outback with no major water source.