École nationale supérieure des mines de Nancy

Mines Nancy (École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy; also referred to as ENSMN, Ecole des Mines de Nancy or Mines Nancy) is one of the French generalist engineering Grandes Ecoles. It is located in the campus Artem, in the city of Nancy, Eastern France ( it takes just 1h30 from Paris with TGV), and is part of the University of Lorraine. Around 400 students are taught general science and management and 300 follow specialised Master programs. These students are taught by 60 permanent professors. There are also 400 researchers including an hundred doctorants.Despite its small size, it is well represented in the French industry. Most of its students hold executive positions in the industry and large corporations or scientific research positions in France or abroad.

École nationale supérieure des mines de Nancy

Mines Nancy (École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy; also referred to as ENSMN, Ecole des Mines de Nancy or Mines Nancy) is one of the French generalist engineering Grandes Ecoles. It is located in the campus Artem, in the city of Nancy, Eastern France ( it takes just 1h30 from Paris with TGV), and is part of the University of Lorraine. Around 400 students are taught general science and management and 300 follow specialised Master programs. These students are taught by 60 permanent professors. There are also 400 researchers including an hundred doctorants.Despite its small size, it is well represented in the French industry. Most of its students hold executive positions in the industry and large corporations or scientific research positions in France or abroad.