13th Motor Rifle Division NKVD

The 13th Motorized Rifle Division of the NKVD Internal Troops (Russian: 13-я мотострелковая дивизия внутренних войск НКВД СССР 13-y motostrelkovaya diviziya vnutrenikh voisk NKVD SSSR) was formed as a division of the NKVD, but was used as a division of the Red Army Rifle Division during short period of World War II. The Division was formed in Voronezh region in May 1942, using the management and part of the forces of 8th Motorized Rifle Division of the NKVD internal troops as the basis.

13th Motor Rifle Division NKVD

The 13th Motorized Rifle Division of the NKVD Internal Troops (Russian: 13-я мотострелковая дивизия внутренних войск НКВД СССР 13-y motostrelkovaya diviziya vnutrenikh voisk NKVD SSSR) was formed as a division of the NKVD, but was used as a division of the Red Army Rifle Division during short period of World War II. The Division was formed in Voronezh region in May 1942, using the management and part of the forces of 8th Motorized Rifle Division of the NKVD internal troops as the basis.