14th of June Movement

The 14th of June Movement, abbreviated 14J (and 1J4) was a leftist clandestine group opposed to the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo contrived by the Dominican lawyer Manolo Tavárez Justo, that covered almost all the Dominican Republic territory, with some 300 engaged of all the social sectors. This effort to overthrow the tyranny was defeated from the military point of view by the army and the aerial strength of Trujillo, but it succeeded in planting the seed of rebellion among the Dominican population.

14th of June Movement

The 14th of June Movement, abbreviated 14J (and 1J4) was a leftist clandestine group opposed to the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo contrived by the Dominican lawyer Manolo Tavárez Justo, that covered almost all the Dominican Republic territory, with some 300 engaged of all the social sectors. This effort to overthrow the tyranny was defeated from the military point of view by the army and the aerial strength of Trujillo, but it succeeded in planting the seed of rebellion among the Dominican population.