1814 State of the Union Address

The 1814 State of the Union Address was given by the fourth President of the United States, James Madison, to the United States Congress. It was given on September 20, 1814, during the height of the War of 1812. It was given during President Madison's turbulent second term. One month after he gave the speech, the British burning of Washington occurred on August 24, and President Madison fled and lived in The Octagon House. Madison lived there until 1816, until the White House could be rebuilt. The three key points are:

1814 State of the Union Address

The 1814 State of the Union Address was given by the fourth President of the United States, James Madison, to the United States Congress. It was given on September 20, 1814, during the height of the War of 1812. It was given during President Madison's turbulent second term. One month after he gave the speech, the British burning of Washington occurred on August 24, and President Madison fled and lived in The Octagon House. Madison lived there until 1816, until the White House could be rebuilt. The three key points are: