1964 (film)

1964 is a documentary film produced by Insignia Films for the American Experience series about political, social and cultural events in the United States for the calendar year 1964. It is based partly on Jon Margolis book The Last Innocent Year: America in 1964. The documentary depicts the year 1964 as significant and epic in that following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in late 1963, 1964, as a presidential election year, becomes a departure point for American history, that the U.S. is still affected by. It is also the year of the British Invasion led by the Beatles, when Cassius Clay fights Sonny Liston for the World Heavyweight Championship, Betty Friedan book, The Feminine Mystique, is published, and Republican activist, Phyllis Schlafly's book, A Choice, Not an Echo, i

1964 (film)

1964 is a documentary film produced by Insignia Films for the American Experience series about political, social and cultural events in the United States for the calendar year 1964. It is based partly on Jon Margolis book The Last Innocent Year: America in 1964. The documentary depicts the year 1964 as significant and epic in that following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in late 1963, 1964, as a presidential election year, becomes a departure point for American history, that the U.S. is still affected by. It is also the year of the British Invasion led by the Beatles, when Cassius Clay fights Sonny Liston for the World Heavyweight Championship, Betty Friedan book, The Feminine Mystique, is published, and Republican activist, Phyllis Schlafly's book, A Choice, Not an Echo, i