1999–2002 FARC–Government peace process

The FARC-Government peace process (1999–2002) (Spanish: Proceso de Paz entre las FARC y el gobierno Pastrana), from January 7, 1999 to February 20, 2002, was a failed peace process between the Government of President Andrés Pastrana and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrilla group in an effort to bring to an end the ongoing Colombian Armed Conflict.

1999–2002 FARC–Government peace process

The FARC-Government peace process (1999–2002) (Spanish: Proceso de Paz entre las FARC y el gobierno Pastrana), from January 7, 1999 to February 20, 2002, was a failed peace process between the Government of President Andrés Pastrana and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrilla group in an effort to bring to an end the ongoing Colombian Armed Conflict.