1st Division (Portugal)

The 1st Division was one of the two divisions of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps (CEP, Corpo Expedicionário Português), the main military force of Portugal that fought in the World War I Western Front on the side of the Allies. The Division was under the command of General Gomes da Costa, during most of its existence. From the June 2, 1917 to the April 6, 1918, the 1st Division was responsible for the subsectors of Neuve-Chappelle and Ferme du Bois of the Portuguese Sector of the Western Front.

1st Division (Portugal)

The 1st Division was one of the two divisions of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps (CEP, Corpo Expedicionário Português), the main military force of Portugal that fought in the World War I Western Front on the side of the Allies. The Division was under the command of General Gomes da Costa, during most of its existence. From the June 2, 1917 to the April 6, 1918, the 1st Division was responsible for the subsectors of Neuve-Chappelle and Ferme du Bois of the Portuguese Sector of the Western Front.