2011 Iranian embezzlement scandal

The 3,000 billion toman embezzlement in Iran (also 2,800 billion embezzlement; approximately US$2.6 billion) was a fraud involving the use of forged documents to obtain credit from at least seven Iranian state and private banks to purchase state-owned companies. The fraud reportedly extended over a four-year period, but became more serious "in the months before the scandal broke in September" 2011. According to Iranian newspapers, Iranian businessman Mahafarid Amir Khosravi (also known as Amir-Mansour Aria and executed in 2014) "masterminded" the scam, and as of late October 2011 at least 67 people have been interrogated and 31 of them have been arrested.

2011 Iranian embezzlement scandal

The 3,000 billion toman embezzlement in Iran (also 2,800 billion embezzlement; approximately US$2.6 billion) was a fraud involving the use of forged documents to obtain credit from at least seven Iranian state and private banks to purchase state-owned companies. The fraud reportedly extended over a four-year period, but became more serious "in the months before the scandal broke in September" 2011. According to Iranian newspapers, Iranian businessman Mahafarid Amir Khosravi (also known as Amir-Mansour Aria and executed in 2014) "masterminded" the scam, and as of late October 2011 at least 67 people have been interrogated and 31 of them have been arrested.