31 Euphrosyne

31 Euphrosyne is the 12th-largest and the 5th-most-massive asteroid in the asteroid belt, discovered by James Ferguson on September 1, 1854. It was the first asteroid found from North America. It is named after Euphrosyne, one of the Charites in Greek mythology. It is a fairly dark body near the belt's outer edge. Consequently, Euphrosyne is never visible with binoculars, having a maximum magnitude at the best possible opposition of around +10.2, as in November 2011, which is actually fainter than any of the thirty asteroids previously discovered. Euphrosyne has been studied by radar.

31 Euphrosyne

31 Euphrosyne is the 12th-largest and the 5th-most-massive asteroid in the asteroid belt, discovered by James Ferguson on September 1, 1854. It was the first asteroid found from North America. It is named after Euphrosyne, one of the Charites in Greek mythology. It is a fairly dark body near the belt's outer edge. Consequently, Euphrosyne is never visible with binoculars, having a maximum magnitude at the best possible opposition of around +10.2, as in November 2011, which is actually fainter than any of the thirty asteroids previously discovered. Euphrosyne has been studied by radar.