34 (song)

"#34" is a song by Dave Matthews Band, featured as an instrumental piece on their debut album, Under the Table and Dreaming. The song was inspired by and written for Miguel Valdez, a percussionist who collaborated with the band in 1992 and died due to hepatitis in 1993. Dave Matthews co-wrote the song with LeRoi Moore, Carter Beauford and Haines Fullerton, another collaborator, who later took his own life in September 1996. On the album, the song is "hidden" as track number 34, with 22 blank tracks between it and the previous track, "Pay for What You Get."

34 (song)

"#34" is a song by Dave Matthews Band, featured as an instrumental piece on their debut album, Under the Table and Dreaming. The song was inspired by and written for Miguel Valdez, a percussionist who collaborated with the band in 1992 and died due to hepatitis in 1993. Dave Matthews co-wrote the song with LeRoi Moore, Carter Beauford and Haines Fullerton, another collaborator, who later took his own life in September 1996. On the album, the song is "hidden" as track number 34, with 22 blank tracks between it and the previous track, "Pay for What You Get."