5 September 2016 Syria bombings

On 5 September 2016, suicide bombers simultaneously exploded in the Syrian cities of Tartus, Homs, Damascus, and Hasakah. A car bomb detonated on a coastal highway in Tartus, killing more than 5 people, followed by a suicide bomber exploding in the crowd gathering in the area. A car bomb then hit a Syrian Army checkpoint in the Zahra district of Homs and killed 2 soldiers. A motorcycle bomb detonated near an Asayish checkpoint in Hasakah and killed at least 5 people, with an explosion in the capital city of Damascus following soon after. Two explosions were said to hit a Russian naval base.

5 September 2016 Syria bombings

On 5 September 2016, suicide bombers simultaneously exploded in the Syrian cities of Tartus, Homs, Damascus, and Hasakah. A car bomb detonated on a coastal highway in Tartus, killing more than 5 people, followed by a suicide bomber exploding in the crowd gathering in the area. A car bomb then hit a Syrian Army checkpoint in the Zahra district of Homs and killed 2 soldiers. A motorcycle bomb detonated near an Asayish checkpoint in Hasakah and killed at least 5 people, with an explosion in the capital city of Damascus following soon after. Two explosions were said to hit a Russian naval base.